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Release!  90 Day Mind, Body & Soul Transformation

(Payment plans available)


Do you have the feeling that you are made for something more?  Are you sick and tired of trying so hard to be positive, you’re doing all the mindset work but aren’t seeing results, you want to eat healthier but find yourself self-sabotaging and going straight back to old ways.  You’re tired, frustrated, mad at yourself and feel like things are always going to be this way.


It’s time to Release! 


Release excess weight


Release unhealthy food and lifestyle patterns


Release limiting beliefs and self sabotage


Release your stuck emotions


Release what no longer serves you and become the highest, most expansive version of yourself!



This is for people who truly want to see change in their lives, who are tired of procrastinating and self sabotage getting in the way of the life they desire.


Who want to overhaul their diet and lifestyle and feel happy, comfortable and confident in their body.


Who are ready to go deeper into feeling and releasing their emotions to manifest their dreams and desires.


Who want to understand and get to the root cause of their negative thinking and limiting beliefs and release them fully to become the most expansive version of themselves.



After these transformative 90 days you will have built the lasting foundations to having a healthy body and mind.  You will feel so much more connected to yourself and your inner guidance, releasing the negative self beliefs that no longer serve you, stop the self-sabotaging patterns, emotional/mindless eating and have a great relationship with yourself and with food.



You can feel more energized and healthier, release any excess weight, feel confident and comfortable in your body.


These are the first 90 days of your new amazing life!




The details…

  • Welcome session to get crystal clear on what you want to achieve, where you are right now, what your current diet and lifestyle is like and what’s been holding you back.


  • Personalised nutrition plan to help you reach your health goals and address any areas in your body that needs support. 


  • Functional testing such as intolerance testing, thyroid, hormones etc and supplement recommendations if required ( these will be at an extra cost).


  • Meal plans and recipes if required.


  • 11 personalised sessions (45mins - 1 hr) tailored to what you need to achieve results.. I am here to facilitate and support you throughout your journey.  These will be a mixture of nutritional support, belief clearing and emotional release work using a couple of different healing modalities – Silent Counselling which uses touch and breathwork and the Rapid Relief Technique which is a hands-on tapping modality.  Both of these are done by yourself.


  • Personalised meditations and tapping recordings which will help you go deeper into your beliefs and anchor in your desires.


  • Email support throughout the program to help you stay on track.




Enjoying Nature
Portrait of a Woman
Healthy Woman
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